Your Name and Title: Lainie Liberti, Parent, Life-Learner & World Traveler
Organization or School Name: Project Unschool Peru , Homeschool Travels
Co-Presenter Name(s): Miro Siegel, 14 yr. Life-Learner & World Traveler
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Cusco, Peru
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Those interested in Worldschooling, Communal Learning, Homeschoolers, Unschoolers, Life -Learners and Autodidacts
Short Session Description:
Travel as an alternative form of education- Forming communities and intentional learning.
Full Session Description:
The session will be a presentation by mother and son team, Lainie and Miro (14 yr old) whom together, have been traveling and learning for five consecutive years on the road. They share strategies that keep them engaged, learning naturally and committed as a team which supports each other's interests through learning. In their case, natural learning (or unschooling) partners with the surrounding environment, as the world has transformed into an infinite classroom.
Lainie and Miro also shares their learning experiences as a community, which becomes one of the key strategies for profound and engaged learning.
For the family, Lainie and Miro share strategies to keep children / teens engaged, suggestions on how to integrate long-term travel as part of the educational plan.
Last, Lainie and Miro open up the session for a candid Q & A.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: