I am keen to promote a discussion about the right to education. At ActionAid we host the www.right-to-education.org website, originally set up by the first UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education. There have been some interesting and important developments over the past year, for example with the Committee on the Convention on the Rights of the Child challenging the government of Morocco around their privatisation of education. New reports on Ghana and Chile are raising similar concerns. There are a growing number of civil society organisations that are working together to popularise an understanding of the right to education and to advance this in practice. The Global Campaign for Education (www.campaignforeducation.org) is becoming a key space for this, with national education coalitions now in over 80 countries around the world working to hold their governments to account for delivering on the right to education. What lessons are we learning from this movement and what more can we do to advance the right to education in the coming years?
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Hi David, Glad to see you have proposed a session--even if at the last minute. Clearly the issue of privatization of education globally is a key issue we need to explore.
REMINDER: Revisions to this proposal must be made within the next 24 hours for possible inclusion in this year's conference.
Lucy Gray
Conference Co-Chair
Hi David -
Please look over the call for proposals, edit your proposal, and use the required template. You also need to use at least one of the tags listed in Step 9. Once you've made edits (use the OPTIONS button on this page), let me know and I'll review this again.
Lucy Gray
Conference Co-Chair