Your Name and Title: Vicki Davis, Teacher

School or Organization Name: Westwood Schools

Co-Presenter Name(s):Westwood 9th Grade Students and tentatively Jeff Stanzler from U Michigan

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Camilla, Georgia

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): History and Current Events Teachers or anyone interested in understanding the kind of learning that can happen in a simulation.

Short Session Description (one line): Understanding the Middle East through the AIC Conflict Simulation

Westwood students play world leaders as part of the Arab-Israeli Conflict Simulation from the University of Michigan. Hear students share what they are learning and the value of such global simulations.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Westwood students are negotiating with other students around the world as they play world leaders in the Arab-Israeli Conflict Simulation created by the University of Michigan and run by Dr. Jeff Stanzler and his preservice teachers as part of a class. Take a look at the student side of this activity to hear from them what they are learning and how the process works.

Students will explain how the simulation works, how they are engaged, the types of activities and proposals that they've created and what they've learned as part of the process. This session is ideal for those who are interested in simulations of any kind and their value in the classroom as a transformative practice. 

Teacher, Vicki Davis, will share a few best practices for engaging students in an activity that is largely text based and how she assesses and helps students collaborate and work together. Vicki and Jeff Stanzler will discuss some about the other end of the process as preservice teachers serve as "National Security Advisors" and gamemakers in this powerful "game" that promotes a better understanding of the nuances of the Middle East.

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