Your Name and Title: Prof. Frank Kowalski


School or Organization Name: Colorado School of Mines


Co-Presenter Name(s): Susan Kowalski, Project Coordinator


Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Colorado, USA


Language in Which You Will Present: English


Target Audience(s): classroom educators, informal educators, educational IT/programmers/software developers


Short Session Description (one line): We describe Ink-Survey, a web-based tool designed for collecting real-time formative assessment, and invite global participants to further refine its functionality.


Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

We have developed a fundamental web-based tool to use to collect real-time formative assessment.  Educators have long known the advantages of real-time formative assessment, including active engagement of students, providing an opportunity to immediately realize and correct misconceptions, and supplying feedback that informs the pacing of learning.  However, collection of real-time formative assessment is sometimes difficult to implement unless the student:teacher ratio is 1:1.  Technology such as personal response devices (“clickers”) may be helpful, but limited in the type of responses students can provide.


We have developed InkSurvey, which allows students to use digital ink to draw, graph, diagram, write, etc. as they respond to open-format questions (not multiple-choice) posed by the instructor.  The instructor receives these authentic student assessments instantaneously.  This web-based software can be used with Tablet PCs, slate computers, some Smart Phones, etc. and the teaching model has been successfully implemented in secondary and university science, mathematics, and engineering classes as large as 60 students. It could also be used in a distance-learning environment.  We maintain a server so that its use is free to educators worldwide, and the free-hand digital ink responses are language independent. 


Now, with the fundamental tool developed, we are gathering a global collective to further refine InkSurvey. Volunteers with programming experience are invited to modify the open-source code, much in the same way as Linux has been developed and refined. 


Please join us for this presentation to learn about both the InkSurvey tool and the global collaboration for its improvement.   


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