Your Name and Title: Donna Román
School Name: Geneva School District, Geneva, IL, Woodmen-Roberts Elementary School, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Kingsclear Consolidated, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, Denton Ave. School, Long Island, NY
Co-Presenter Names: Toni Olivieri-Barton, Matthew McGuire, Lisa Parisi
Country from Which You Will Present: USA, Canada
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience: Teachers, administrators, students
Short Session Description: Using Digital and Global Citizenship to create a Safe and Successful Global Project.
Full Session Description:
Global and Digital Citizenship are vital components to safe and successful global collaboration. Teachers experienced in global collaborative will discuss important citizenship components and provide information and resources to address them. They will cover netiquette, ethical use, safely and privacy, critical evaluation of web content, and global obstacles: time zones, language and dialect differences.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Donna -
I think we already accepted this proposal, but it recently popped up in the submissions category for some reason. Can you confirm that you received an acceptance letter for me already?