Your Name and Title: Ms Janhavi Padture
School, Library, or Organization Name: Harbinger Knowledge Products
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Country from Which You Will Present: USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience (such as primary school teachers, high school administrators, students, etc.): Director/Manager
Trainer/Learning Facilitator
School Administrators
School Teachers
Short Session Description (one line): Explore usage of social media tools in conventional and virtual classrooms.
Full Session Description (one paragraph minimum):
Social media tools have certainly have made a mark for themselves and the reach of its users is growing in leaps and bounds. Yet, we have to be selective when these are used in online classrooms. Social media tools such as Twitter, Blogs, etc have redefined our modes of communication and sharing. These tools have undoubtedly enhanced communication between the trainers and students especially in online classrooms. This session would demonstrate tools and applications that complement conventional learning as well as leverage social informal learning. The presenter shall also share live experience of using key social media tools that were used in a leadership development online training.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
This proposal is not accepted as this is from a company that is not sponsoring or a part of the GETideas strand.
For profit entities are not to present general sessions at our conference unless they are sponsors. Please let me know if you need more information. Also, please answer my questions about your gaming proposal if you would like me to consider that for BrainPOP's gaming strand.
Yes please do consider the gaming proposal for BrainPOP's gaming strand.
Please do let me know if you need any further details from my end.
I need to know if your company is non or for profit, please.
For profit
Let me know that you are aware that there are additional requirements for the GETideas strand:Innovation Perspectives with GETideas.