Your Name and Title: Patty McGinnis, Gifted Support Specialist
School or Organization Name: Arcola Intermediate School
Co-Presenter Name(s): NA
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: East Coast USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): upper elementary, middle, and high school science teachers
Short Session Description (one line):
Get your students outside by learning how to create an interpretive trail for your local community
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Most students are so engrossed with their I-Pod or cell phone that they often take little notice of the natural world. Why not tap into that interest in technology to help students rediscover their curiosity about the natural world, develop a better understanding of ecosystem concepts, AND have fun! This session will explain how to develop an interpretive trail on school grounds. The creation of the trail addresses many 21st century skills while making learning relevant and creating a product that the local community can enjoy. Although our trail focused primarily on life science content, this project could be modified to fit into a variety of content areas.
Hi Patty -
This sounds like a great proposal, but I'm wondering how your project incorporates global collaboration, the main focus of this conference. Can you edit this and talk about the global aspects a bit more? Check out our mission for inspiration:
Lucy Gray
Conference Co-Chair
If you would like to me to review your proposal again, please make revisions by November 17th 9 PM Central (GMT-6). Then, email me at to let me know your proposal is ready for another look.
Make sure to review our documentation and align your proposal to our goals: