Hi all,

My name is Rachel Manley and I work for The Learning Network at The New York Times. Some of you may know me from my time at iEARN-USA. 

I wanted to share our site's resources, which may serve as great activities for students during remote learning. The Learning Network is dedicated to helping people teach and learn with The New York Times. The Learning Network publishes about 1,000 teaching resources each school year, all based on using Times content — articles, essays, images, videos, graphics and podcasts — as teaching tools across subject areas. These resources include lessons of the day, writing prompts, picture prompts, news quizzes, student contests, and more. With features like the daily Student Opinion question, thousands of teenagers each week join a global conversation on topics from politics to pop culture. All of our resources are always free for students!

Below is a link to our website, as well as a post specific to Coronavirus Resources. 

Lastly, we are hosting two webinars tomorrow, March, 18th, to show teachers and parents how to use The Learning Network's resources for remote learning. Here is the link to learn more and register: http://bit.ly/remoteLN.

Stay safe and healthy,

Rachel Manley

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  • Co-Chair

    Thank you, Rachel! The Learning Network is such a fabulous resource!!!

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