Your Name and Title:
Dr. Paul Wallace, Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology

School, Library, or Organization Name:
Appalachian State University

Co-Presenter Name(s):
Katie Yoder, Matt Briggs, Carolyn Easterly, Audra Puckett, Dr. John Tashner

Country from Which You Will Present:
United States of America

Language in Which You Will Present:

Target Audience:
K-12 teachers

Short Session Description (one line):
Using Web 2.0 Tools to Foster Global Learning and Collaboration

Full Session Description (one paragraph minimum):

Technology is all around us, from a GPS in our car navigation systems, to smart phones in our pockets, and computers in our schools and classrooms. As educators, how do we harness the technology that is available to us to make our students true 21st century, globally aware, collaborative learners? In our session we will be discussing differences in the types of technology that are available for use in the classroom as well as a variety of Web 2.0 tools that can be utilized to foster not only our students thoughts and ideas but also to allow them the opportunity to hear from and collaborate with others around their state, country and world.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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