I am a graduate student in the state of Ohio. I work at a career technical center, which has approximately 8oo students, all in the 11th and 12th grade. I work in the In-School Suspension room, in charge of enforcing discipline. I am currently enrolled in a class entitled “Educational Leadership and Globalization.” I am soliciting feedback on the following question: How do we motivate students who see no connection between education and the future? I am interested in any and all responses/ideas, from the abstract to the concrete. A collection of the ones posted will be used in an assignment I am required to complete. I am definitely interested in hearing from those outside of the United States, if possible. A large chunk of the class is the examination of how our education system is doing compared to those around the world. I thank you in advance for taking the time to help me with this endeavor. Have a great day!

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