1.  Your Name and Title:  Mary Brownell - Middle School Reading Specialist, Civilizations Teacher    

2.  School, Library, or Organization Name: SCH Academy

3.  Co-Presenter Name(s):  Six Grades5/6 students 

4.  Country from Which You Will Present: USA

5.  Language in Which You Will Present: English

6.  Target Audience (such as primary school teachers, high school administrators, students, etc.)   Grade 5/6 Social Studies Students

7.  Short Session Description (one line) We Are Builders, Too: Middle School Students Learn The Hard Way

8.  Full Session Description (as long as you would like): In this session, sixth grade students would like to describe their construction work with recycled bottles, mortar and wire and how these actions developed from their work in Finding Solutions to Hunger and extended to YouthCAN. The students are eager to exchange ideas with other schools who might have been involved in some of the same kinds of connections in their project. They would also like to share the process in which they learned to mix cement, shape bricks and construct walls during six months of lunch/recess periods.       

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session (if any):http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.479647572061265.128971.254584211234270&type=1




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