Your Name and Title: Tracy Hanson, Founder
School or Organization Name: Next Generation Global Education
Co-Presenter Name(s): TBD
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: United States
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Educators, Community, Students
Short Session Description (one line): We will explore how to change the picture of what learning and education look like through “The Matrix of a Learner”.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Education in itself is an intervention for social transformation. It plays a major role in ensuring the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. The learner-centered approach to education can accelerate the realization of each of the post-2015 SDGs.
The Matrix of a Learner is the result of a lifetime searching for a way to first nurture than empower the individual learner to become as successful as they can. It is not meant to compare learner to learner but to create a collaborative responsibility to each other to ensure that each individual is empowered to be the best they can. Though a Learner 2 Learner program, we can do just. We need to have a better understanding of who we are as an individual, a community, a country so we can work together to solve our global problems for a sustainable and peaceful world. This progression can best be accomplished through an educational system which promotes and supports global learning in real time.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Tracy, here is your proposal. It is listed under MY PAGE and in the accepted proposal category. Please bookmark it if you have trouble locating it. Also, make sure you followed the instructions I sent when this was accepted to book your session. Presenters are in charge of self-scheduling.
Please add the required conference tags as indicated in step 9 of the Call for Proposals: Use the OPTIONS button to edit your proposal and include one or more of these tags.