What Can Administrators Do?

Hello, We have started a few activities in the past three years at our high school, but I'm wondering what more I can do to expand the notion of globalizing the curriculum as a principal. Any ideas? Currently, we hold a week's worth of activities during International Education Week where we have students select seminar sessions. Speakers who are from or have traveled to over 30 countries around the world discuss culture, customs, travels, politics, ethical issues, etc. In addition, we have an International Film Festival, Keynote speaker and Cultural performance. Our other activity, aside from hosting foreign exchange students, is that we have 3-week Sister School Exchanges with a high school in Hessen, Germany, and one in Suphanburi, Thailand. Our students travel there one year and we host students the next. Are there other ideas that I can promote without pushing extra work on teachers? We live in a small town in South Central, Wisconsin, with very little diversity. Thanks, in advance, for any insight you can provide! ~Laura

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  • Co-Chair
    Hi Laura -

    Welcome to the GEC! You've posed some excellent questions, and hopefully, I'll think of some good resources for you as time goes on. You might want to take a look at the Asia Society's resources on global education: http://asiasociety.org/education/. I particularly like their profile of a globally literate teacher, and I think some of those attributes can be applicable to administrators. I'm sure other GEC members will chime in with their thoughts on this, too.

    By the way, I'll be speaking at WEMTA in Madison in March.. maybe you'll be there, too, and we can talk in person. I'm also a grad of Beloit College so I'm looking forward to venturing north next month!

    Take care,

    Lucy Gray
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