We are grade 6 students at a primary school in Australia.We are learning about the world and have many questions we would like answers to. If you live outside Australia, could you please tell us about your country. Here are our questions:
How big are your schools? How many students attend the average school?
What is Primary School like in your country? (Do student’s wear uniforms? Are grades divided by age or ability?)
How do you educate students? (Do they use textbooks/ workbooks? Do you do projects? Do you use computers? Do you have extracurricular programs like sport and art?)
Thank you in advance. We are very excited to find out about education in different countries.
6LB :)
Have you had any responses from British Columbia, Canada? I need to check my provincial learning outcomes to see if I can fit this is in, but it would benefit my students to learn more about Australia, too. I teach Grade 6...11-12 year-old children.
Let me know! Thanks.
We've already processed the data we collected from our survey and wrapped up that particular learning experience. It was still summer vacation for all of you in the north, so we didn't end up with as many responses as we had hoped. We learned a lot about making up surveys and google docs was a great way to get a range or responses!
The class is actually in the middle of a two week mid semester holiday at the moment and will be returning to school at the beginning of October. Our next focus is on earthquakes, so if your class has any great resources (or if anyone has a firsthand story) that would be wonderful. I know BC isn't really a major quake zone.
Best of luck with your start to the school year! Let us know if we can help with your current unit.
Mrs. Bates and 6LB
Here are some earth science resources I've collected for another project: http://www.diigo.com/list/elemenous/earths-changing-surface. Make sure to check out the US Geological Survey education section. There are tons of great resources there, including Google Earth files of earth quake activity.
Good luck!
Thank you for your help. We have created a survey using google docs.
Below is the link. Could you please post the link on twitter.
Thank you
Lucy Gray
That sounds like a good idea. We've never used Google Docs before, so we'll have to do some research first. Does anyone have any tips for new Google Doc users?
Thanks! 6LB :)
Here are some resources: