Your Name and Title: Maureen Devlin, Fourth Grade Teacher


School or Organization Name: Happy Hollow School, Wayland, MA


Co-Presenter Name(s):


Area of the World from Which You Will Present: United States


Language in Which You Will Present: English


Target Audience(s): Elementary-Middle School Teachers


Short Session Description (one line): Students will engage in the exploration of culture to develop their lens for working with others in our global community near and far.


Full Session Description (as long as you would like):  Students will engage in the exploration of culture--their own and that of others.  They will learn what "culture" means, and they will think about and share the many dimensions of their unique personal culture related to areas of their life such as school, home, ancestry, neighborhood, city, town, state, country, and areas of interest.  They'll create culture flags and circle graphs to depict their personal culture.  This unit is meant to be an introductory unit in global studies for intermediate elementary students--a unit which helps children develop their lens for working with, learning from and engaging people from cultures both similar and different than their own.


Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:


My Culture.jpg

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  • Co-Chair

    Maureen -


    Don't forget to join this group so that you receive notices.


    Lucy Gray

    • Co-Chair
      Also, you need to tag your proposal properly with the strand tag code outlined in the proposal directions.
      • Thank you for your help with this Lucy.  I am proposing this presentation to push myself to learn more and engage with the global community related to education.  I will take a close look at the tools available to master my presentation skills in this area.  Also, in the coming weeks, I'll be organizing and shoring up this unit for virtual share.  Please let me know if there's anything else I should be thinking of.
        • If anyone has specific questions or thoughts regarding this topic, please add to this discussion.  I want my presentation to respond to participants' interests.  Thanks.
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