What would you do with a one year sabbatical?

We have a sabbatical program at the school where I've been teaching for the last ten years.  I am considering planning a major global program at my school and to do this work during a sabbatical.  Does anyone know of any fellowship programs where I could apply to teach for one semester while working on this global learning project?  What would you do if you could plan a sabbatical around starting a major global learning program at your school?

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  • Co-Chair
    I'd start by taking a close look at what other schools were doing. Maybe the first step would be to interview people who are knowledgeable in this area about what schools have exemplary programs. Then, maybe you can narrow your list to a few schools to visit in person.

    Good questions... let me stew on this a bit.
  • Check this out! The new Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching Program, a component of the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program, will send 12 U.S. teachers abroad and bring 12 international teachers to the U.S. for a semester to pursue individual projects, conduct research, take courses for professional development, and lead master classes or seminars for teachers and students. The program is open to teachers from Argentina, India, Israel, Finland, South Africa and the United States.
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