

Reston, VA

School or Organization:

Big Universe Learning, Inc.

I am a:

for profit employee

Languages spoken:

English. Hindi.



Twitter Profile URL:


Short bio or reason for joining Actionable Innovations Global:

Reason for joining: Submit proposal for 2012 Global Education Conference. About me: I'm the CEO and founder of Big Universe Learning, Inc., an engaging online reading and writing platform for students and teachers in grades/years PK-8. I'm also a published author and speaker on emergent technology topics. Details here: http://www.biguniverse.com/main/anil At Big Universe, we deeply believe that education leads to a better world. Our mission is to deliver anywhere-anytime education that engages children to learn and provides educators invaluable resources to teach. Our vision is to build a global learning community used daily by students, teachers and administrators, worldwide.