

Nashville, TN

I am a:

teacher, tech coordinator, parent

Languages spoken:

English, some Spanish



Short bio or reason for joining Actionable Innovations Global:

I teach 8th grade creative writing, computer for K-2 and 7th/8th grade, and I am the Technology Integrator for my school's middle school. I also co-direct my school's summer gifted program for grades 8,9, and 10. I am married and have 2 children. My son is 12 and my daughter is 8. In addition to teaching, have worked in an art museum, at a film school, and in advertising. My degrees are in English and Art History. I am looking forward to being a part of this network!

Global education projects or initiatives in which you are involved (if applicable):

Summer Scholars: A gifted student summer program for grades 8, 9, and 10. I teach a 2 week class, and I am the Co-Director. This summer we will be creating a Ning and want to collaborate with other classrooms for 1 or 2 days. We will be exploring ways to use technology to promote social causes and missional living. Ideally, we want to talk to students in many different cities and countries to gather new ideas and inspire others with our own.
