

Calgary, Alberta

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  • I missed the sessions in Grande Prairie.( I didn't realize until it was too late.) I was wondering if there is tech. I can use that would read text to the students.
  • HI Brenda I just joined this collaborative and lo and behold of course I found you here. I am really interested in starting a project with high school students around the country and in other countries to join with my own photography students who are working with the theme "The Essence of Adolescence". We have been talking about how they can portray central themes of adolescence through pictures. It occurred to me that it would be much more interesting for them to collaborate with other teenagers around the world. I am just dipping my little toe into this sort of venture and know that you have been extremely successful with your projects over the years. I pretty much didn't know where to start and then stumbled on this site thinking it might be a good place to begin. Any thoughts or advice wold be greatly welcomed. hope you are doing well. It has been a while since we communicated. My best Eric
  • Hi, I am looking for people I recognize and saw you. Want to be my friend?

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