Rusizi, Rwanda
Rusizi, Rwanda
School or Organization:
Free Methodist Church
I am a:
Languages spoken:
English French Kinyarwanda Swahili
Short bio or reason for joining Actionable Innovations Global:
Your Name and Title: Pastor Jonas UWIMANA School or Organization Name: Child Care Academy Co-Presenter Name(s): Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Rwanda Language in Which You Will Present: English Target Audience(s): Teachers and Administrators Short Session Description (one line): ESF Impact for Education in Rwanda: Education21st Century. Full Session Description (as long as you would like). Rwanda has recognized a problem in education since 1995 and little progress was made. Until I was asked to connect on LinkedIn by an education organization ESF. We have made the point already Education and International ESF. Rwanda is located from ESF by distance but the peace Flame network has reached us. ESF did not exist in Rwanda but they used distance. We have learned Early Readying from Cynaidah from Kenya (by the way do not assume everyone knows what early reading is.) It does not use phonetic decoding and children start school reading and writing. The child is quickly understand and know how to read a printed word without spend much time in learning and the technique maximizes the potential for everyone in classroom. Children like the ER as best technique in learning and enjoy it like a game. I took out donors from the Target. We hope they come, but do not say it out loud. ESF may bring positive impact for education in Rwanda through the early reading/ Kwigavuba in our language.The audience will learn about the history of ESF and Rwanda and distance learning and see videos of the techniques we used. The impression that I got was the children did not have any problems spelling. The audience will see also Rwandan classroom tactics that emerged from the limited online teaching and want to share those techniques with the audience and ultimately the whole network. They will see some videos of Rwandan classroom techniques. Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: We shall be followed by joining us and enroll peace flame. https//www.enabling.org/peaceflame
Global education projects or initiatives in which you are involved (if applicable):
Child care and adult education.