Hey Jose, I'm a teacher in Melbourne Australia and early next year I'm hoping to run what I've called The Lunch Box Project with students from around the world sharing what they have for lunch using two different languages and learning lots about what students in other parts of the world eat and what this means about the places that other students come from. The project wiki is here http://lunchboxproject.wikispaces.com I'm really looking for schools outside of Australia and the US and was wondering if you would be interested or know of any teachers in Spain that would be interested in taking part. Please pass on the link if you do, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Hey Jose,
I'm a teacher in Melbourne Australia and early next year I'm hoping to run what I've called The Lunch Box Project with students from around the world sharing what they have for lunch using two different languages and learning lots about what students in other parts of the world eat and what this means about the places that other students come from. The project wiki is here http://lunchboxproject.wikispaces.com I'm really looking for schools outside of Australia and the US and was wondering if you would be interested or know of any teachers in Spain that would be interested in taking part. Please pass on the link if you do, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Jess Mc.