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Short bio or reason for joining Actionable Innovations Global:

Connecting educators around the world is one of the most exciting things we can do in education in the 3rd Millennium. It's hugely inspiring and a perfect platform for students and teachers to learn together and do something that is meaningful, makes a difference, and is real. About myself: The short version is that I run a future schools consultancy in Denmark working with transformation and redesign of learning, learning spaces and school buildings. We work with schools, local authorities, charities, architects etc to inspire innovation and change and often undertake con-amore initiatives. Co-creation with teachers and learners is a strong core of most things we do. So many ways for kids to flourish and create valuable lives for themselves and those around them in our times. The longer version: From 2002-2009 I worked with the largest school development and rebuilding project in Denmark, SKUB, where all schools of the town of Gentofte were reimagined and rebuild in close collaboration with teachers, students and parents - choosing each their local solution to what a school for the future should be like for them. A lot of consultation, process design, facilitation, workshops etc - and not least a lot of learning spaces to be designed as physical expressions of how we perceived and imagined learning. Have a look at www.hellerupskole.dk or www.skub.dk. Or here: http://videolectures.net/eycisfc09_jensby_lange_sfskubp/ which is me telling about the project in Brussels. In 2005 I founded Autens (www.autens.dk) which is a future schools consultancy working in three areas: Re-imaging school at the strategic level (what could learning be like, how can we organise to accomplish this, how can we open our schools towards the world, how can we make learning joyful, real-life and make it matter in the lives of children); designing innovative and supportive learning spaces (and sometimes new furniture as we can never get all the stuff we need for a reimagined learning space - it's simply not out there yet); and advisor/facilitator to either the school or the team of architects when building/refurbishing a school. Currently we have a lot of rebooting secondary schools, creativity & entrepreneurship, re-thinking schools in the light of the 21st Century and design of learning spaces on our plate. All work we do at Autens involves a degree of co-creation and user-consultation. We always aim to include not just teachers but also learners as much as possible. They provide perspectives that none of us can - and they make it very clear why we need to transform. We also take great pleasure in linking schools across national borders for long term partnerships where teachers visit and inspire each other to create learner-centered schools. Got a whole con-amore programme of UK and DK schools in collaboration with the fabulous Mike Davies (UK) that we are beginning to expand to other countries as well. Here I am on linkedin: http://linkd.in/19fkpVQ