

Columbia, TN

School or Organization:

Freed-Hardeman University

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college or university professor

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Short bio or reason for joining Actionable Innovations Global:

Dr. M. Monte Tatom received his Ed.D. in Educational Administration at Auburn University on 3/20/1998. He has 26 years in K-12 education as Teacher (11 years), Assistant Principal (6 years), Principal (5 years), and Coordinator of Staff Development (2.5 years from 1979 - 2005. He retired from Mobile County Public School System in December 2005. He began working at Freed-Hardeman University (FHU) in January 2006. He is an Associate Professor of Education within the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences at FHU. He currently has 13+ years in Higher Education (2006 - 2019). He assisted in building the Online M.Ed. in Instructional Technology that began Summer 2017, and that program is being discontinued at the end of Summer 2019. ~ He has actively been involved in educational technology since taking his first computer course at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL during Spring 1983 (EDM 510: Micro-computing Systems in Education).
