

Florissant, MO

I am a:

teacher, consultant

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Short bio or reason for joining Actionable Innovations Global:

My name Nick Cusumano and I am Theatre and Film Teacher in my 19th year of teaching in St. Louis, Missouri. I am a Google Certified Teacher and a Google Authorized Education Trainer. I am the co-host of TheatreCast podcast on the Edreach Networkedreach.us/theatrecast and the founder of the blog edtech4theatre.com. The World Theatre Video Project was developed as part of my action plan as Google Certified Teacher after attending the Google Teacher Academy in Sydney, Australia in May.

Global education projects or initiatives in which you are involved (if applicable):

The World Theatre Video Project was developed for Theatre students and teachers from all over the world connect and share their love of Theatre. Through the use of video, we can create a World Theatre Ensemble using of Google's Tools- YouTube, Google Sites, Google Forms, and Google Drive. www.worldtheatrevideo.com
