

Sidney, IA

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  • Hi Rita,

    All I had as an answer from VN was that my friend doesn't have Internet, so such a collaboration wouldn't be simple. Furthermore, I just searched on the Net and learn about that novel, I think that, in VN, they won't dare treating this one in class. It would be better for you to connect to the  VN diaspora outside of VN. Do you want me to connect you with the VN students or teachers in the States? It happens that my cousin is very invoved in a Board of Education in the Santa Anna area  - not sure at what lever, as I am not familiar enough with the USA's system.

    I am sure that he would be able to connect you to somebody who would be able to help you in this project with your students.


  • Hi Rita,


    I am trying to connect you to my friend who is an English Teacher in VN - Saigon.  Hope you'll be able to realize this marvellous project. I can chip in some knowledge about project conduct if you like.


    Hiên-Minh Lê Thi

    Université du Québec en Outaouais

    Quebec - Canada

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