Zebulon, NC
Zebulon, NC
School or Organization:
North Carolina State University
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student, teacher, non-profit employee, college or university staff
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Short bio or reason for joining Actionable Innovations Global:
Shea Kerkhoff earned her B.S. in English Education from Ball State University. She taught high school English for 7 years, including Wake County Public Schools and District of Columbia Public Schools. At Vanderbilt University, she completed her M.Ed. in International Education Policy and Management. She is Education Director of 4 the World, an international nonprofit. At North Carolina State University, she is pursuing her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction. Her research interests comprise literacy, equity pedagogy, and global learning.
Global education projects or initiatives in which you are involved (if applicable):
4 the World's Experiential Global Learning Excursion for Educators Measuring Teaching for Global-Readiness