


School or Organization:

Colegio Tilatá

I am a:

teacher, tech director

Languages spoken:

English Spanish



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Interested in education and technology. I am convinced of the need for collaboration in learning and what better way to share our knowledge here.

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  • "Hi, my name is Sonia, I´m a Computer Science teacher and the technology director in a school in Bogotá, Colombia.
    In my school we have been reading about education in different countries, and we are fascinated with that.
    From your experience, can you help us to know more about the role of technology in your education system? Do you have any restrictions for students or teachers to access to Internet or webpages?
    I appreciate your valuable information.


    Hi Sonia, How are you? Sorry for this late reply, I hope my answer can help you.

    Technology is very important for our education here in Mexicali, many private schools as mine, use Blackboard as a tool. There the students can find some documents and announcements that the teachers forgot to tell us at school. We also have a sucject called TISG, in spanish it is "Tecnología de la Información en una Sociedad Global", there thwy teach us how to make a good use of the technologies that we have in our homes or at school. We don't have many restrictions, the computers at school are used to do homeworks or classworks, nothing else.

    Hope It Helped
  • Hola Sonia. Qué tal todo?

    Creo que te gustará la historia de nuestro último post, trata sobre un profesor Colombiano. Una impresionante historia que debe ser conocida y difundida. Quizás la conozcas... Te dejo el enlace: http://www.elesapiens.com/es/biblioburro-educacion-sobre-ocho-patas/

    Que pases un buen día.


  • Hola Sonia. Hoy en el TL de Elesapiens en Twitter (https://twitter.com/elesapiens) se ha publicado esta noticia que quizás te interese:

    Acoso escolar  y discriminación: intentando crear un buen clima de aula http://t.co/k2MF5Ao4 RT @_escuela20 #Educación #Tutoría

    Que pases un buen día.

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