

Boulder, CO

School or Organization:

National Center for Atmospheric Research

I am a:

teacher, tech coordinator, administrator, non-profit employee, other

Languages spoken:

Little Spanish


https://www.scied.ucar.edu and ucarconnect.ucar.edu

Twitter Profile URL:


Short bio or reason for joining Actionable Innovations Global:

Teaching and learning are my passions and GEC is an opportunity to engage with other educators from around the world. Blended learning & social media can help each of us obtain needed professional development and provide worthwhile and potentially fruitful learning opportunities for students when done right. I work at NCAR - an NSF-sponsored lab. Can connect folks to scientists and authentic science.

Global education projects or initiatives in which you are involved (if applicable):

NOAA Climate Stewards Regional Lead Climate Voices GLOBE UCARConnect

Friends (1)
