Ait Ourir, Al Haouz
Ait Ourir, Al Haouz
School or Organization:
Al Hayat Organization for development
I am a:
student, teacher, tech coordinator
Languages spoken:
English , French and Arabic
Short bio or reason for joining Actionable Innovations Global:
i'm master student ,i have strong attachment to global educztion and human rights education.in which i have designed and implmeneted difereent programs related to global education and interculturl dialogue and global citizenship.for these reasons, i have intersting to share my eperience with others in the field of education and getting a new and didactic ideas that will hilp to successfully implement educational programs.
Global education projects or initiatives in which you are involved (if applicable):
global educational:human rights education global educational:intercultural dimension online training organized in partnership with the network university and north-south center of council of Europe.