• Oct 6, 2011 from 3:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Location: Online at https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/977635438
  • Latest Activity: Feb 25, 2022


The Badges for Lifelong Learning Competition has launched a broad, open, critical, and constructive conversation about digital badges, visual representations of 21st century skills and achievements. We invite you to learn more about open badges and this Competition during a series of interactive webinars hosted by the Mozilla Foundation and the HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation Digital Media & Learning Competition. 


During our first Badges 101 webinar, we will address questions about the basics of badges: What are badges? What are open badges? How can badges work for learners? We will also address additional questions about badges as submitted by webinar participants. Questions can be submitted in advance by emailing dml@hri.uci.edu and including "webinar question" in the subject line.


Badges 101 takes place Thursday, October 6, 2011 at 3pm EST / 12pm PST 

Time: 3pm EST / 12pm PST 

Duration: 50 minutes 

Location: GoToWebinar at https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/977635438
Advanced registration recommended, but not required. Webinar will open at 2:45 PM EST to allow registrants time to establish access to the webinar.


Hosted By:   

----Cathy Davidson, Duke University Professor  and HASTAC Co-Founder;

----Sheryl Grant, Director of Social Networking, HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Competition;

----Erin Knight,  Assessment and Badge Project Lead, Mozilla and P2PU;

----Matt Thompson, Education Lead, Mozilla Foundation;

----Carla Casilli, Project Manager, Open Badges, Mozilla Foundation. 


An archived version of this event will be available at dmlcompetition.net. Information about other upcoming Badges for Lifelong Learning Competition webinars will be available at http://www.dmlcompetition.net/Blog/


About the Badges for Lifelong Learning Competition

The HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation’s Badges for Lifelong Learning Competition, launched in collaboration with the Mozilla Foundation, focuses on badges as a means to inspire learning, confirm accomplishment, or validate the acquisition of knowledge or skills. To learn more, visit http://dmlcompetition.net.


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