Monday, January 14, 2013 (5)

Jan 14, 2013
October 9, 2010
  • Food and Culture - a Global, Collaborative Classrooms Project

  • Oct 9, 2010 to Dec 31, 2013
  • Location: Online and in your classrooms
  • Description: Let your students learn with the world, not just about the world!The purpose of this project is the development of a global, collaborative classrooms project which will provide a context for students to:* Develop knowledge, skills and habits conducive to excellent health* Practice habits of responsible citizenship - locally to globally* Develop Global Competencies by studying "with" the world instead of "about" the world* Develop critical 21st Century Skills* Become engaged in a rigorous, relevant and real-world project* Engage the knowledge within the disciplines through research, problem solving and application* Learn - as opposed to memorizing then forgetting discrete factsThe initial sources of inspiration for this project were the book, Hungry Planet - What the World Eats, which is both a beautiful and profound essay on the people of our planet and the food they eat; the Edible Schoolyard Project where students grow and cook their own food, as many of the content standards are tau
  • Created by: Anne Shaw
March 5, 2011
  • Global Media Literacy Network

  • Mar 5, 2011 to Mar 1, 2016
  • Location: Global, Online & Belgrade
  • Description:



    • The main goal of the Platform will be the collection, promotion and dissemination of the mew methodologies, projects and audio visual tools in new and traditional media.
    • Everybody working in media literacy is welcome to become a member of the Platform without membership fee if accepted to promote the Platform and give to the Platform one or more creative projects application.
    • The Platform will offer to the members wide online visibility, events, workshops and seminars and large list of potential partners for international cooperation and projects.
    • The Platform will offer to every member online space and editorial rights for providing information, audio visual promotion of multimedia productions and call for participation through easy and user friendly online software.
    • Open a Media Literacy Market to trade expertise and profit from th
  • Created by: Miomir Rajcevic
November 8, 2012
  • Call for paper in GLOBAL EDUCATION MAGAZINE!

  • Nov 8, 2012 at 6:00pm to Jan 30, 2013 at 12:00pm
  • Location: brazil
  • Description:

    Global Education Magazine is coming next day January 30th: international Day of Peace and Non-violence.

    (papers submission until December 15th)

    Participate with us and share your inspiring ideas and creatives experiences with all the world!


    Global Education Magazine is published by the Educational Association “Education for Life”, with headquarter in Spain and it has the support of UNESCO and UNHCR. It is a trimonthly scientific journal with international perspective that publishes in any official language (preferably in English).
    Its aims is to create and disseminate specialized knowledge with multi, inter and transdisciplinary contents, with original works of research, studies, reviews and innovative experiences to improve management and practice of institutions and organizations with humanitarian and philanthropic educational activities.

    Global Education Magazine is destined to raise awareness, to develop critical thinking, and encourage the active participation of students in achieving

  • Created by: Javier Collado Ruano
January 5, 2013
  • Certificate Programs in Cultural Diplomacy & International Relations

  • Jan 5, 2013 at 10:00am to Feb 5, 2013 at 7:00pm
  • Location: ICD
  • Description:

    Overview: The Certificate Program in Cultural Diplomacy & International Relations, offered by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy,  is a one-month long program that explores the role of cultural diplomacy in contemporary international relations. The course combines both theory and practice, making it a unique experience for those interested in this innovative and growing field of study.

    Each program features lectures, seminars and workshops led by experts from the fields of international politics, diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. In addition to courses taught by leading practitioners in the field of Cultural Diplomacy, students will participate in the diverse activities of the ICD, including international conferences and forums,  social activities and cultural events. The educational programs of the Center for Cultural diplomacy Studies are actively supported by notable figures in international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society, and

  • Created by: Marc Donfried
January 14, 2013
  • #ETMOOC Massive Online Course Educational Technology and Media K-12

  • Jan 14, 2013 at 6:00pm to Mar 27, 2013 at 7:00pm
  • Location: Cyberspace
  • Description:

    Happy New Year everyone!

    If you are receiving this email, you’ve signed up for #etmooc. We’re set to start very soon so this message is meant to serve as a reminder and to help you get oriented to the upcoming events and activities. If you are receiving this message in error, we apologize, and want to let you know that there are unsubscription options found below.

    As we develop #etmooc, we will continue to add information to the website found at Keep on eye on it, or subscribe via RSS. If you don’t know what that means, we’ll be covering RSS during orientation week so don’t worry.

    We’ve outlined various things we’d like you to do in preparation for #etmooc under the Orientation page found at This is an important read as the learning environment is a truly networked space, and can feel quite complex and overwhelming at times. #etmooc is intentionally designed to help you better understand these complexities as we collectively explore eme

  • Created by: Lorne Upton