The 2010 Global Education Conference will be held November 15 - 19, 2010, online and free. Over 300 sessions and 40 keynotes will be held in multiple time zones over the course of five days. The conference is a collaborative and world-wide community effort to significantly increase opportunities for globally-connecting education activities and initiatives. There is no formal registration required for the conference, as all the sessions will be open and public, broadcast live using the Elluminate platform, and available in recorded formats afterwards.
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  • I am very excited about the amount of wonderful presenters on board. I will try to attend as many presentations as possible. Thank you for your efforts Lucy!
  • I have selected might attend because I don't know if I have time to be there (on-line of course). But sure I will try.
  • Hello! I am looking forward to listening to the presentations. Thank you for supporting the educational community!
  • Hello Lucy, Steve and everyone. I am looking forward to this great event. I will also be popping in and out as time allows me to do so. I am going to invite my students. Some of them may be willing to attend although this is a hectic end of the semester. I will see you around.
  • I'm looking forward to all of the great presentations. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to making the Global Education Conference a reality, especially Lucy and Steve.
  • This conference is an outstanding opportunity to network with others in the field of K-12 education for global awareness/global competency, and to participate at the leading edge of what continues to be a very dynamic field. I'm excited for its prospects, for the new directions it will undoubtedly take us, and for the new knowledge and skills we will surely gain.
  • I'll be popping in and out as I can. I'm very interested in this topic for future collaborations as our virtual program continues to develop.
  • I am excited to attend - does anyone have students attending? My 24 Global Education students are looking for some synergy.
  • I want to invite you to visit our Kids Talk Radio Website. We have two very special podcasts:

    "Grading the Teacher"-A discussion with the Los Angeles Times reporters responsible for the series on LAUSD teacher performance.

    Investigative Journalism:

    We invite you to listen to the investigative journalists from the Los Angeles Times. Jeff Gottlieb and Ruben Vives who've been reporting on the misuse of city funds taking place in the City of Bell. Students will learn what it takes to become an investigative journalist investigating corruption, get tips on how to obtain information from public records and utilizing sources.

    Here are the websites:

    We will be posting with 24 hours.
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