
Wow! This week has been quite a learning experience! Personally, I think it will take me weeks, if not months, to truly process everything that I took in this week. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the conference. Please add your comments here or link to a blog post!

Here are some discussion starters. Feel free to write about anything else!

  • What sessions were most memorable?
  • How has your global perspective changed?
  • What's ONE thing that you'll incorporate into your professional practice?
  • How are you going to use the Quick Links archive past the live conference?
  • Any suggestions for next year?





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  • Lucy I have looking over the conference postings - organizing the  GEC conference is no small task, yet it gets easier every time you do it - I imagine. Pat yourself on the back!!

    I am looking for someone or a group that studies learnability and memorability in educational software. In your travels/experiences have you encountered any one or group that studies this? I am analyzing online algebra applications and would like to learn more!!!

    Thank you in advance!!Jeanne Boudreau 

  • To everyone who volunteered their time and especially Steve and Lucy, THANK YOU! This was a wonderful conference. I learned so much. I attended around 20 sessions and for the most part was quite pleased with the sessions. There were a few presenters who, for whatever reason, couldn't make it to their time slot. And then for a few others there were technical difficulties, slide troubles, or simply hadn't prepared well enough. But the fact that all of the presentations were recorded and made available for free to everyone, and that there was a moderator or two always ready to help made this conference one to remember.

    As a presenter I thought the proposal submission process was extremely smooth. The calendar having the different time zones available as well as the quick links to the session room and the recording made navigating around the conference a breeze.

    But no review would be constructive without a couple things to work on for next year. The quality of the voice was always less than what I would hear on Skype or using Vivox. I know it's part of Collaborate but it should be forwarded to them. Another thing might be working out to have everyone use webcams. Screencasts are already pretty boring to look at, but if we could at least see a profile picture it would help connect with the speaker. Otherwise it feels almost like a glorified podcast. Maybe make real life profile pics and webcams either required or highly suggested. Asking people to include them in their slideshows would also help. And finally, I am thinking presentations should mention more clearly who is presenting; teacher, student, business. I attended a couple presentations by in which I had made a special effort to get to,only to find they were high school students reading their class report to us and showing us snapshots. Good experience for them, but I didn't get much from it.

    I know how difficult it must be to organize such a huge conference. I have to say, this was really well done and I sincerely hope the conference grows into it's name, if not already. Thanks for everything. I look forward to next year!

  • Felicitaciones

    Es la primera vez que participo de estas ponencias (como
    oyente)  y quedé muy impresionada por la
    organización del evento, la puntualidad del mismo, la colaboración de los
    moderadores y por las estupendas ponencias y sobre todo por los temas tan
    interesantes expuestos.

    Desde Perú mi más sinceras felicitaciones a los ponentes y a
    los organizadores, dicha experiencia me ha servido para replantear el tipo de
    enseñanza que he estado dando, detenerme unos días a reflexionar sobre mi labor
    y aprender sobre el trabajo colaborativo, que tenía tanto interés de aprender y
    conocer como lo realizan otros profesores a nivel mundial.

    Agradezco a los a las personas que nos prepararon con anterioridad
    a fin de que conozcamos el entorno de trabajo y a los ponentes por la cortesía,
    el respeto y el tiempo de los mismos al absolver nuestras dudas haciéndonos sentir
    como en casa, ya que no solo se limitaron a sus ponencias sino que  departieron con nosotros minutos antes, se
    interesaron por nuestro trabajo y de donde veníamos, se comprometieron con
    nosotros para que nos comuniquemos con ellos en caso de tener dudas o conocer más
    de su trabajo.

    Es una lástima que por motivo de trabajo nos hayamos perdido
    tantas ponencias tan interesantes, propondría para la siguiente ves sea a
    partir de las tardes.

    Mi agradecimiento a Lucy y Steve por reunir a tantas
    personas interesadas sobre el tema y hacer de nosotros una comunidad global y a
    la vez una comunidad que a pesar de la distancia estamos tan cerca.

    Mirella R

    Lima  - Perú

  • Lucy & Steve,

      I hope that you enjoyed your Holiday and received a lot of well deserved rest after a wonderful conference.  I have a great appreciation for those who's efforts and talents can bring together so many valuable people and resources.  I cannot Thank You enough.  My reflection of the conference was: 

    Most memorable session for me was the Opening Keynote with Alan November.  Although there were so many other memories as well.

    My global perspective has been expanded to include the number of people actively engaged in global learning environments and content creation.  It has broadened my vision of the near future of an education system that can be more thoroughly connected and enhanced by the number of creative innovations currently in progress.

    One thing I have and will continue to incorporate into my professional practice is to Not limit the material or resources available in learning to my perceived reflection of what is needed.  Simply put: I will not under estimate the potential or productivity that each of us has to offer in any given learning environment.  

    I am currently pursuing the Quick Links archive to catch up on sessions I missed and as a library of tools and resources to refresh my individual learning.

    Next year, I look forward to even more participation, excitement, and new stories of success building on what we had this year.  

    Again, the conference was so well organized and accessible that it had everything necessary to become a better nation of educator's, learner's, and creator's.  Thank You.


    Rhonda J Doyle 

  • Hello Lucy,

    I must say that volunteering for this conference was a life-changing experience for me. I am very passionate about integrating the global opportunities available in the field of education and I met people with like minds. I walked away with tools that I have already implemented like connecting students in my higher education courses with global connections to inspire increased investigation and learning.


    I am ready to continue helping the initiative and be more involved in what we do here. What are the next steps?

  • Hello All,

    I found the entire conference exhilarating. Given my time
    zone, I spent many late evenings listening to the presentations and look
    forward to many more enjoyable evenings going over the recordings.

    I personally will work to get this conference more coverage
    here in the Middle East.  I think my organization made several important contacts and I very much appreciate the opportunity to share what my organization is doing.


    Lisa Martin


    • Contacts and collaboration is what this site is all about, Lisa!  Hopefully, in the future, there will be representation from every country in the world!!!!!!!  Once the data is out, we can all keep track of how many countries are represented during this conference!


  • As Grazina said, it would be interesting to know how many sessions were held by which countries ? Which languages were used during online sessions ? Just to have an idea about the global impact of the global conference... :-) To help us to improve the audience of this event, beyond the borders, beyond the languages... For example during our sessions, to let french people attend easily, we have chosen to give the conference in french, with instant translation in english on the chat...

  • Thanks a lot Steve and Lucy! Can you tell me please how many unique logins, presentations and countries 2011GEC had?

  • “Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!”—Anne Frank

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