I'm interested in working with classrooms around the world to enhance my students second language learning. We are learning Chinese but would be very interested in working with classes who are learning any language! I've created the 'Collaborative Language Learning' group for language teachers who are interested in coming up with some project ideas. I have started this off with the International Lunch Box Project which is just getting underway.

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  • Hi, Jess,

    Given your project, you might be interested in this year's Digital Media and Learning Competition, which is now open (deadline October 15th). The theme this year is participatory learning, which sounds exactly like what you are going for. Participatory learning is defined broadly as using new digital media for sharing ideas or planning, designing, implementing, or just discussing ideas and goals together.

    For full information, visit http://www.dmlcompetition.net.

    Good luck on your project,
  • Hi. I've just joined this site. I'm an ESL instructor at a local university in my country, Malaysia. My students are made up of post secondary diploma and degree level students majoring in various professional programmes to which the English language department offers relevant proficiency and ESP courses. I'm also looking for evenues to strike up acquaintance with fellow language instructors/teachers/lecturers from any part of the world and explore research possibilities.
    My current research interests are instructional strategies, collaborative learning and web based learning experiences of my students with regards to ESL learning, with particular attention to reading comprehension.
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