


I am a:

college or university staff

Languages spoken:

English Language, Malay, Tamil

Short bio or reason for joining Actionable Innovations Global:

Hi Everyone! I'm an ESL instructor at a local university in my country, Malaysia. My students are made up of post secondary diploma and degree level students majoring in various professional programmes to which the English language department offers relevant proficiency and ESP courses. I'm also looking for evenues to strike up acquaintance with fellow language instructors/teachers/lecturers from any part of the world and explore research possibilities. My current research interests are instructional strategies, collaborative learning and web based learning experiences of my students with regards to ESL learning, with particular attention to reading comprehension.

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  • Global Visits is looking for university instructors who would be interested in working with university instructors in the United States on classroom projects, using the Internet as the tool to link the two classrooms and instructors. Projects could be how ever each instructor would like to have them develop and integrated into the regular course or syllabus. The idea is to open the global door for students who might not otherwise have a chance to engage in a traditional study abroad, but have a profound need to engage in a global project. Since 2003, we have linked students from the US with students from Afghanistan, the Middle East and Africa via the Internet and our work was recognized by the Institute of International Education at their 4th Annual Best Practices Conference in 2009. Come to our web site , take a look, sign up (you will not be spammed!!) and please introduce yourself to me. I would like to meet you. I am meeting an increasing number of US instructors who want to connect their classroom, and I hope you are interested! Betty Tonsing, Founder/President, Global Visits www.globalvisits.com
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