Your Name and Title: Jennifer D. Klein, President
School or Organization Name: PRINCIPLED Learning Strategies, Inc.
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Denver, Colorado, USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): English teachers (K-12, Language Arts included); English department chairs, curriculum support leaders, school librarians/media specialists, etc.
Short Session Description (one line):
The English classroom is an ideal environment for exploring the most difficult and complex global issues and perspectives--in fact, the English classroom is one of the only places in the schoolhouse where almost all aspects of the human experience can be explored, no matter how challenging. This workshop will explore several methodologies which allow English teachers to deepen the global components of their courses without requiring a major overhaul of curricular or literary choices.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
As the 21st Century presents an increasingly complex and interconnected world, human progress demands increasingly nuanced global knowledge and skills, particularly of our young leaders and innovators. Global learning allows teachers to foster students’ intercultural skills through collaborative projects in which students resolve global problems and communicate across cultural and geographic boundaries. With the support of e-technologies which bring the world into the classroom, global learning allows global themes and perspectives to be integrated authentically and meaningfully across all grade levels and disciplines.
The English classroom is an ideal environment for exploring the most difficult and complex global issues and perspectives--in fact, the English classroom is one of the only places in the schoolhouse where almost all aspects of the human experience can be explored, no matter how challenging. From the literature we choose to the way we teach writing and thinking, we are in a better position than most of our colleagues to explore the deeply complex, personal, human questions the world holds. In this keynote, we will explore several methodologies which allow English teachers to deepen the global components of their courses without requiring a major overhaul of curricular or literary choices.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: