Your Name and Title:

Dr. Larry S. Anderson, Founder/CEO


School or Organization Name:

National Center for Technology Planning

Tupelo, MS  38803


Co-Presenter Name(s):


Area of the World from Which You Will Present:

Mississippi -- Southeastern USA


Language in Which You Will Present:



Target Audience(s):

Leaders/Administrators/Policy Makers


Short Session Description (one line):

Principles and Strategies for Effective Global Leadership


Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

      Leadership should be universally sound.  Yet, the reality is that, often, people who find themselves in a leadership position are not sufficiently equipped to deal with the conditions associated with leading on a global scale.  It could be that the person hasn't thought about how leadership functions have to be changed, depending upon the nature and demographics of a global audience.  Or, it may be that the leader takes a cavalier approach to the decisions s/he makes.  Further, it is entirely possible that the individual has not considered the impact of his/her decisions upon constituents, depending upon their location on the globe.

      This session will uncover some of the traits and practices required for a leader to be effective when dealing with international constituents.  In addition, we will touch on some of the situations that might face a global leader.  Participants will be polled for input, feedback, and to respond to some of the theoretical situations.  Of course, we will take a cross-sectional view of each situation, considering the differences that might occur, depending upon the global location or impact.


Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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