Student Tech Team Hub
The iWizards of Michigan seek global tech team sharing and collaboration at Teams from HK, Israel, Jakarta, Australia are connecting. Please join. All ages and abilities welcome.
Read more…The iWizards of Michigan seek global tech team sharing and collaboration at Teams from HK, Israel, Jakarta, Australia are connecting. Please join. All ages and abilities welcome.
Read more…Co-presenter:
Diane Tarkowski, MBA, MIS Adjunct Faculty
Your Name and Title: Jennifer Garcia
Learning Resources Centre Coordinator and ICT Teacher
School, Library, or Organization Name: Academia Britanica Cuscatleca
Co-Presenter Name(s): Silvia Serrano Head of ICT, Rodrigo Alfaro, ICT Teacher
Country f
Dear educators and students,
I'm launching Studifi, it's a collaboration platform that allows you to manage multiple projects. It even allows students to find teammates within their classes in order to work on any team-based work.
Professors and educ
Read more…Your Name and Title:
Dr. Larry S. Anderson, Founder/CEO
School or Organization Name:
National Center for Technology Planning
Tupelo, MS 38803
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Area of the World from Which You Will Present:
Mississippi -- Southeastern USA
Read more…Your Name and Title:
Samuel Wightman, School Based Technology Specialist
School or Organization Name:
W.T. Woodson High School, Fairfax County Public Schools
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Andrew Waldren, School Based Technology Specialist
Waynewood Eleme
Read more…GEC members are committed to global connections and learning. You know as an educator: 1) Students become better readers and writers when they practice authentically. 2) Preparing them for success in global society starts today. That’s why we want yo
Read more…We are in Northern California, and would like to collaborate with others in the world where there have been Yeti, Abominable Snowman, Sasquatch, and Bigfoot sightings. I thought the students could summarize the facts and myths about these creatures
Read more…I work at a public K-5 school in Rural Hall, NC, USA. We have used H.323 videoconferencing for the past 6 years. We connect to state institutions and museums. We also participate in Read Around the Planet, digital Flat Stanley, and Megaconference Jr.
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