high school world issue project

I would like to connect with other high schools to have students exchange views on a variety of current issues.  I teach students primarily aged 17-18.  My students are from rural Vermont, USA.  I welcome all inquiries.

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  • Richard. So nice to hear from you. I'll try to Skype you this weekend. I'm away from my computer at the moment
    • Sounds good. Speak soon.
      • Richard. I looked over your proposal. It looks really good. If my class was to participate, I would like to limit the time my class spends on this. I will skype you this weekend. Sorry for dropping the ball. School starts this Friday and I was just finishing up the last few weeks of vacation. Talk to you soon.
  • Ron,

    You may be interested in connecting with a Year 10 class (16 year olds) I teach early on in your new school year (6-24 Sept 2010). Most communication between students would be asynchronous but hopefully there would be some synchronous communication. We will have been studying the History of Slavery and are hoping to finish by taking part in a small project with some other schools that aims to get students investigating slavery in their own country and sharing what they discover with students in other parts of the world. Hopefully being better informed about slavery throughout the world students will then be better placed to take action against it.

    If this interests you and you think it might be possible then please let me know. We can always chat further via email or Skype (richardcford). I am from Australia.


    • Hello Richard. Sorry I wasn't able to skype you this weekend. I was taking a summer class out of town and didn't have access to a computer with skype. I would certainly be interested in examining slavery with your classes. What do you have in mind. I teach two middle tracked classes of U.S. history. We will be examining slavery in the month of September. Since my course mainly focuses on Modern U.S. history, I don't spend a whole lot of time in this area. I would be interested in what you have in mind. I think a deep understanding of slavery really provides a major foundation for understanding U.S. and world history. What do you have in mind? Have you written a project up yet? I will try to skype at a convenient time. What would work? I think you are 14 hours ahead.
      • Hi Ron, I have a document that I could email to you with some ideas. What is the best email to send it to?
        • reisenman@rutlandhs.k12.vt.us thanks
          • Thanks Ron. I have sent you an email. Hopefully you have received it now.
  • Hello, Ron,

    I teach a course called Global Perspectives at The Cambridge Global Studies Academy, a public "school-within-a-school" in Miami, Fl. Most of our students are of hispanic origin. The course is focused on global citizenship and global issues.

    I think it might be interesting to put our students in contact. How do you propose that we do this? Please keep in mind that my computer/technical skills are very limited.

    You can learn more about me and the global philosophy of the Academy by logging-in my blog, http://globaleducationnow,blogspot.com

    Please reply to my school email, 165589@dadeschools.net; I will be back to the office in a week, after spring break.

    I look foward to hearing from you.

    Joseph Lamas
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