Mi nombre es Sivina Henriksen soy la Directora de Educación para la Ciudadanía Global del colegio privado Dover High School (Bilingue- IB School) en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Estamos organizando intercambios académicos virtuales con colegios de diversos países. Nos gustaría saber si les interesaría organizar algunos proyectos o actividades.
Muchas gracias por su tiempo y atención.
Saludos cordiales,
Silvina Henriksen
Lic. Silvina Henriksen, MEd
Directora de Educación para la Ciudadanía Global
Dover High School
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mr. Philip J. Wagener and I am an Education Technology Specialist with Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, Georgia. As a former educator, I am privileged with the opportunity to assist other educators in revolutionizing their classrooms. Recently, I have been working with a World Language Spanish Teacher on connecting her classroom with a native Spanish country. I was alerted to your post by Lucy Grey and I wanted to see if you would be interested in joining me in a cultural exchange.
If you are interested, please feel free to contact me via email at
Philip J. Wagener
Education Technology Specialist
Kennesaw State University - iTeach