Your Name and Title: Atsuko Shiwaku
IIME develops 21st century skills through international collaborative learning
School or Organization Name: Japan Art Mile (JAM)
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Japan
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Teachers from elementary to high school
Short Session Description (one line): 21st century skills of the students are rising through an international collaborative learning project called International Intercultural Mural Exchange (IIME).
Full Session Description (as long as you would like): Japan Art Mile(JAM) has been promoting an International Intercultural Mural Exchange (IIME), a project of international collaborative learning including joint-creation of a mural as the outcome of learning.
According to the reports and questionnaires submitted from the teachers, the students skills of interactive communication, information and communications technology and information literacy are markedly rising by interactively learning about each other online, and their creativity and collaboration skills by creating one mural in cooperation. And especially teachers develop their skills of problem-solving and decision-making by facing difficulties in the process of collaboration with the partners and their students also learn these skills through their teachers. These skills are the very 21st century skills.
I will present not only the effects of the project but the systematic support of JAM to manage the big international project which 4000 students and 200 teachers participate from 30 counties a year. So far 23,602 students from 756 schools have participated in IIME.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Hi Lucy,
I'd like to take a live training sessions to get familiar with Blackboard Collaborate.
How can I book it?
I'd like to do it on November 12.
As I am very beginner of the Blackboard, I need to practice it before my presentation.
Wold you help me to book the live training sessions?
Thank you.
Atsuko Shiwaku
Hi Atsuko,
If you cannot get a training session here, we can meet in one of our iEARN rooms.
Hi Dian,
When and how?
Hi Atsuko,
I can send you a link to one of the iEARN rooms. If you let me know what time you can meet I will try to be there with you. I am in EST zone which is -5GMT. Probably early morning 7-9AM my time or evening 6-10PM my time works best for me with your time zone.
I will email you the room information and you can try it on your own. If you need me let me know.
There is a good video here to help you
Hi Dian,
Thank you very much for your warm kindness.
Luckily I could be given a training from Nikki by chance,
because she was there when I entered the blackboard
and she had no appointment for training then.
I was given good advice but if I have further trouble I might ask you help.
Thank you very much for your warm help at any time!!!!!!
Hi Atsuko -
Thanks for your proposal, but you need to follow the directions in the call for proposals:
You can edit this one by going to the OPTIONS button in the upper righthand corner.
Lucy Gray
Conference Co-Chair
Hi Lucy,
I posted the proposal up.
Is what I've done right?
The format and ideas are fine, but I suggest that work on the text a bit and improve your descriptions. People will read your proposal and decide based on this whether or not to attend your session, so it's important that you have a polished proposal that reflects what you intend.
Take a look at accepted proposals to see how other presenters have gone about this!
Once you've done another edit, let me know and I'll review it again.
Hi Lucy,
I rewrote the description. How is it?
Thank you for your support.