I teach a class based on the theories of Daniel Pink and Thomas Friedman. I specifically concentrate on the theme of "empathy," and we read "The Latehomecomer" and "A Long Way Gone" to help develop these themes. We also look into globalization as far as how it affects high school seniors in their job prospects and future. I am looking for students/classrooms elsewhere in the world for my students to collaborate and communicate with regarding these issues and themes. | |
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I see you responded to another teacher's post on "globalization" already in the teacher forum! Maybe you have matched up with her already.
It would be fascinating to involve students in India and China, who are studying English to take jobs from Americans.
The International edition of the Miami Herald, for example, has one editor in Miami and all the rest of the editorial staff are in a company in India. They have good English and have to have much knowledge of US culture, politics, sports, etc., as the newspaper is printed in English (in Latin America for travelers who want US news in English). How is that for globalization? (And loss of US jobs...they can hire five trained journalists in India for the price of one in the US.) Indians like the jobs because they are top pay for their country, and they can still live in their own communities rather than needing to move to the US to make top $$.
US hospitals have people who read x-rays in India and write up reports (cheaper than paying someone in US) and there's a lot more going on too in other areas that I bet your students don't know about. It would be fascinating to hear career aspirations from high school age students in India and China who are in ESL programs.
Joy Bender Hadley
North Star Academy
Marquette, Michigan
Lucy Gray
Founder, GEC