
  • Hello Gayle and others,


    I've recently joined this great site and just found your year-old question.  While I have found most American textbooks lacking (except for The Bedford Anthology of World Literature), here are some sources that I have pulled from:


    Unwinding Threads: Writing by Women in Africa

    The Arnold Anthology of Post-Colonial Literatures

    One World of Literature

    The Ecco Anthology of International Poetry

    Colonial and Postcolonial Fiction: An Anthology

    A Book of Luminous Things

    The Vintage Book of Contemporary World Poetry

    World Literature: An Anthology of Great Short Stories, Drama, and Poetry

    Freedom: Stories Celebrating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    The Vintage Book of Latin American Stories


    I also teach a variety of novels and films.  Let me know if you need any ISBN numbers, and please post any sources that you use, as I need more literature to pass on to my colleagues!



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