Title: Methods for Poverty Transformation in Instructional Design By Richard C. Close MS IDT

Session time 9:00 PM EST 11/16/2015

Session Link: - https://sas.elluminate.com/d.jnlp?sid=2008350&password=GEC15Part32 

School or Organization Name: Chrysalis Campaign, Inc. NGO


Co-Presenter Name(s): Richard C. Close


Area of the World from Which You Will Present: New York


Language: English


Audience(s): Teacher Curriculum Developers, researchers, NGOs


 Description  A Theory and Method frameworks for poverty transformation in instructional design with US and African cases.


Full Session Description :

Transformation of people from poverty and trauma must transcend current intellectual academic fads of “reflection” and “relativeness” in order to alter core conflicts within the experiential frameworks of the learner. The worlds of entitlement and oppressed live in two separate worlds that must be addressed before curriculum like Common Core or STEM can take serious root.


Based on both US and African programs, this session illustrates how transformational collaboration in combination with personalized experiential (PBL) learning can be woven into instructional design. The session dives into Dewey Friere and Knowles Adult Learning theories and how we can alter an individual’s negative frameworks about lifelong learning.


This session is a segment from the Global Learning Framework course that provides methods about how to easily design transformational learning experiences. Cases will be presented from a UNESCO grant for digital storytelling, a massive African mission with 50 farms, a large Kenyan school and the Lost Boys of South Sudan. Curriculum design from a US homeless woman’s learning center will also be discussed in conjunction with the hidden trauma within US schools.


Richard C. Close, MS IDT is the CEO of Chrysalis Campaign, Inc., an NGO that develops transformational learning programs in the US and Africa. Over the past two years, he has been developing the Global Learning Framework, Personal Learning Framework and Transformation Learning Framework. Mr. Close has 20 plus years of experience in corporate, NGO and educational learning environments. He is an author and is published internationally and also recently completed a Master of Science Degree in Instructional Design and Technology at Full Sail University.



Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:


For more information: www.richardclose.com. Access to the Global Learning Framework Course: http://globallearningframework.ning.com/page/the-glf-course. Richard has been a Speaker in the Global Learning Conference since 2011. 

UNESCO funded “I am Africa. This is my story…” http://i-am-the-story.ning.com digital story telling portal.

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