I am working in a small school close to the Chinese border in the New Territories . Hong Kong.

I have launched a project based on the same character used in the previous highly
successful project "Ming Travels the World. This project is called Ming Meets
Interesting People.

It requires students to fold a cardboard model of Ming the Minibus and take a picture of Ming with an interesting person. They then need to email the digital picture to us and we will put it in an e-book.

Here is some further information about the Ming Meets Interesting People.

  1. All photos and text received by 15th December will be included in project.
  2. When we have enough pictures from around the world my students will put together the first digital book called “Ming Meets Interesting People Around the World”.
  3. When we eventually have 12 photos or more from each continent we will create books titled “Ming Meets Interesting People in Europe” Ming Meets Interesting People in Asia” Ming Meets Interesting People in Africa etc If there are enough pictures from a country we will do a book on it “ Ming Meets Interesting People in Russia” etc.
  4. The project is open to all students however we would like teachers to pick two of the most interesting from each class, otherwise my students could get overwhelmed with thousands of entries.

I can send an example of a picture taken in Nepal. The subject now is “Interesting People” e.g. My mum is an interesting person because she makes all her own clothes.” From simple to complex depending on student’s age and level of English. Final books will also be sent to schools throughout China to assist with learning English.

PowerPoints of the books Ming in ………..are available and can be emailed to participating schools. To help motivate students there are 11 minute cartoons on YOUTUBE.  

--Thomas Beckett, teacher at SKH Kei Tak Primary School in Kowloon, China


Here are some Ming in.... books, videos and other materials about the Ming the Minibus project in 2010: http://www.epals.com/media/g/teachercontest10/tags/Thomas+Beckett/Student+Work/default.aspx

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Hear and see Thomas' presentation from the Global Education Conference 2010: https://sas.elluminate.com/site/external/recording/playback/link/table/dropin?sid=gec2010&suid=D.4F21F3B9A5384A730C01B90E870635

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