Your Name and Title: Perla Zamora, M.S.Ed. & Google Innovator

School or Organization Name: Service Learning and Technology Integration Coordinator at The American School of Tampico, Middle School. Advisory Board Member at Community Works Institute. Advisory Member at Global Education Conference.

Co-Presenter Name(s): Mr. Joe Brooks, CEO at Community Works Institute

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Tampico, Mexico

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Admin, Teachers, Leaders, Students, Instructional Coches

Short Session Description: Reflect on the power of each human being’s uniqueness, our intrinsic value as community members, and our place in a shared world.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Nowadays, being a global citizen has become a crucial topic, but... How could we teach our students to become Global Citizens without experiencing the value of knowing and supporting those in need in their own community?
The objective of this session is to share our experience, strategies and tools to connect Global Citizenship with Place-Based Service Learning. We will demonstrate how teachers and students are exposed to experiential opportunities to apply critical inquiry, practice social and emotional learning, identify passions, and enrich prior-knowledge to co-create a positive and sustainable community where stereotypes and cultural barriers are diminished. This approach develops student citizens with a high level of awareness about their community, creating a genuine commitment to their local place and the world—cultivating REAL RECIPROCITY based on principles of SUSTAINABILITY.
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Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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  • Co-Chair

    Perla, can you elaborate a bit further on your topic? Maybe elaborate on place-based service learning and global citizenship? We need to see connections between your session description and title.

    Thank you for your proposal. Please review our mission and consider editing your proposal to reflect ties to our focus: We are not a general education conference nor an ICT conference; all proposals must have some international component that is clearly referenced in the proposal. You may want to look at accepted proposals to see some examples:

    Please also make sure the objectives and outcomes for participants are clear in your proposal.

    Let me know when you've made changes to your proposal, and I'll review it again.

    Thank you,

    Lucy Gray

    Conference Co-Chair

    • Hello, Lucy

        Thank you so much for your guidance. I revised the mission and made changes in the area of description. I hope that this new approach meets expectations. Thank you so much for your time.


      Perla Zamora

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