School or Organization Name: Global Nomads GroupName and Title: Delna Weil, Research and Evaluation Manager

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: NYC

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Teachers, CMO leaders, District administrators, Policymakers

Short Session Description (one line): Case study from Global Nomads Group on how to scale global competency education

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Unprecedented social, economic, political, and cultural change has inspired calls for a new kind of education that prepares students for success in the global economy. One policy solution has been to integrate global competency standards into statewide curriculum. But applying policy to practice and bringing equitable global competency education to scale on a national level requires more substantial efforts––perhaps even a bit of radical thinking. This panel will feature a case study of how virtual exchange can be used to sustainably ensure that young people have the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century.

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