Your Name and Title: Boyd Roberts (founder, project animator)

School or Organization Name: International Global Citizen’s Award

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Oxford, UK

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Educators, school administrators, youth organizations, organizations
for possible collaborations – all concerned with young people aged 11 and above.


Short Session Description (one line): The International Global Citizen’s Award - a grassroots programme to promote and recognize the development of young people as global citizens


Full Session Description:


We can do lots of work in global education, but how do we know what difference it makes to young people?

And what impact does it have on the majority of the time students spend as global citizens - outside school?

If we are concerned with the development of young people as global citizens, we need to focus on what is happening to individuals, in and out of school.


The International Global Citizen’s Award aims to address some of these issues. It is a programme to promote the development of young people (aged 11 and above) as global citizens, and to recognize this development.

IGCA is operated by individual centres (schools or youth organisations) which make their own awards following a common international framework. Participants

  • develop greater understanding of other cultures and outlooks
  • review their own personal global footprint and make lifestyle changes
  • work with other people to make a difference
  • record and reflect on their development as global citizens.

Awards are for development – not standard reached – and are non-competitive and not limited
in number. The more who get the Award the better.


This session will tell you more about this international project – with centres in 13 countries.

Low bureaucracy and low budget, the project aims for high impact and high collaboration. The Award tries to model principles of good global citizenship, and students share in running the Award, including the Award process in individual centres.

Centres are encouraged to contribute to the development of the Award, to interact and to learn from one another’s experience and, by interacting, to develop a deeper understanding of global citizenship in their own context.

Over 900 young people have received the International Global Citizen’s Award over its first four years, including over 340 – the largest number yet – in 2010-2011.

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