Our 7th annual Global Education Conference starts this coming Sunday, and this is our big push for volunteer moderators.

Truly, the volunteer moderators are the heart of the conference.  There is something about being a helper and contributor that makes the conference experience special, and a global camaraderie that develops across cultures and time zones that is incredible.  You don’t need to be an expert in the Blackboard Collaborate platform to help (we give you training and then live help at the time), but it makes a HUGE different to presenters to have a moderator helper in their session rooms, and we try to make sure there is one for every session!

Please consider joining the team--we really need you! And we promise you, it will elevate your own conference experience to a new level.  If you’ve volunteered before, you know all this, and we hope you’ll find time to do so again (and even in multiple time slots!).  If you’re a presenter, please consider helping out some other presenters by becoming a volunteer as well.

Join the volunteer team at http://www.globaleducationconference.com/group/2016volunteers.

Also, a reminder that we are still taking presentation proposals until 7pm US Pacific Time on Friday, November 11th (click for your own time zone).  There were multiple outages from our conference platform provider just before our original due date, so we want to make sure that everyone who wants to present has an opportunity to do so.  We encourage you to present!  

Submit a presentation here: http://www.globaleducationconference.com/page/call-for-proposals.

Here’s to a great event coming up, and “see you online!”


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