
Ouray, CO


Educator - Traveling High School

School or Organization:

THINK Global School

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Short bio or reason for joining Actionable Innovations Global:

I'm here to connect with passionate members of the educational community and share strategies for innovative education.

Global education projects or initiatives in which you are involved (if applicable):

I am currently an onsite educator at THINK Global School, the world's first international traveling high school. I design and implement interdisciplinary project-based learning modules based on current the location of the school. Right now, we are in Mumbai studying the geometry of design through traditional textiles, Vedic maths, architecture, and more! 

At TGS, I am also developing the maths program, finding ways to make maths meaningful through inquiry and application. As a former public school math teacher in the US, I am passionate about finding ways to bring experiential education to every classroom.